Beginning last week another talented group of Code the Dream students got to work learning the basics of computer programming. Like previous groups, the class includes young people from all over the world — some born here in the United States, while others have come from Mexico, Pakistan, Nigeria and Guatemala. Nearly half of our […]
Apply for our next round of classes in Raleigh!
Apply for our next round of classes in Raleigh!
Beginning in March, we will begin a new intro coding course in Raleigh, hosted at HQ Raleigh‘s vibrant startup community. Pass it along: Code the Dream is a free nonprofit program that opens the tech industry to young people from low-income families, including many minority and immigrant communities whose talents have been overlooked by the tech […]
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you… … to all our volunteer mentors who are always so giving with their time, … to all our amazing students who work so hard and overcome so much, … and to all our generous supporters without whom this opportunity would not be possible.
Code the Dream on TV…
Code the Dream on TV…
Code the Dream Lead Instructor Ramiro Rodriguez and Executive Director Dan Rearick recently had a chance to talk with the nice folks at Fox 50 about why Code the Dream is so important and how it works. The Hola NC episode aired on Sunday, but you can still catch the interview online.
CTD students learn from employers, consultants, and each other
CTD students learn from employers, consultants, and each other
Last night CTD students from all three of our first cohorts got together to hear from employers and fellow students, learn about how their strengths fit into their career goals, and talk about next steps. Students also got an opportunity usually reserved for corporate and other paying clients — to evaluate their own strengths with Raleigh […]
CTD team builds winning app to help the visually impaired
CTD team builds winning app to help the visually impaired
A team of eight hardworking Code the Dream students and mentors spent over 20 hours last weekend developing an app to improve internet access for the visually impaired. Their efforts were part of a Startup Weekend event hosted at the American Underground in Durham. The team’s app, The Blank App, won the weekend-long competition sponsored by […]
CTD in 'Que Pasa' Spanish newspaper
CTD in 'Que Pasa' Spanish newspaper
Ofrecen cursos de programación y desarrollo de aplicaciones a jóvenes hispanos Programa Code the Dream promueve un mayor acceso de las minorías a la industria tecnológica Escrito por Eloy Tupayachi Durham.- Los jóvenes inmigrantes tienen la oportunidad de aprender gratuitamente programación de computadoras y desarrollar aplicaciones para teléfonos móviles mediante el programa Code the Dream, un […]
Code the Dream in the Huffington Post
Code the Dream in the Huffington Post
The Huffington Post recently ran a story on some of the great initiatives taking off in the Research Triangle, including Code the Dream. Three Ways Research Triangle Startups Are Tackling America’s Challenges Adam Klein, Chief Strategist at American Underground Jim Whitehurst, President and CEO of Red Hat The startup scene in Raleigh, Durham, and […]
Code the Dream featured in The Indy
Code the Dream featured in The Indy Dreaming in Code By Emily Feng Each weekday, from 9 to 5, Ruben Cruz learns to code. Less than a year ago, Cruz, whose parents immigrated from Mexico, had no programming experience. Now a full-time student at The Iron Yard, an intensive coding academy in downtown Durham, he will graduate with the skill level of […]
Our Raleigh class in pictures
Our Raleigh class in pictures
Smart hard-working students + top-notch instructors = a lot of learning in just 6 weeks. Big thank you to Ricky Leung and Katherine Guzman for the photos!
Daisy shares her CTD experience
Daisy shares her CTD experience
Last year, I decided to learn coding. I used online tutorials and youtube videos, made notecards and outlines, but I never felt like I had a grasp of the material until the Code the Dream class. Suddenly, everything that I studied on my own started making sense. Code the Dream has given me a framework […]
Remarkable new group of Code the Dream students
Remarkable new group of Code the Dream students
This week a remarkable group of young people started our second Code the Dream course in Raleigh, NC, including students from Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Ghana, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, Romania and Venezuela. We’ve joked that every class is like a meeting of the United Nations! We also have a number of women in the class, which itself is really […]
Thank you to all our supporters!
Thank you to all our supporters!
Thank you to all of you across North Carolina and across the country whose donations make Code the Dream possible. Your donation will allow us to expand Code the Dream to give more hard-working young people a real shot at the American Dream. I wish you could meet some of our students and see how […]
Apply now for our January class in Raleigh
Apply now for our January class in Raleigh
Our next one-month beginner coding class in January will be hosted at the American Underground in downtown Raleigh. Interested? Get more information and apply here! The one-month course is designed to take students from no experience to coding their first app. In addition, students have the chance to learn from mentors and meet entrepreneurs who […]
Code the Dream class talks about next steps
Code the Dream class talks about next steps
Our first Code the Dream class has had some great discussions recently about their goals and what’s next for each of them. Out of the 12 who started in September, 10 successfully built their first app. They’ve provided online feedback on their experience: 100% rated Code the Dream as “a great experience.” In fact, half […]
Startup Dreams
Startup Dreams
This weekend a team from Code the Dream was invited to participate in Startup Weekend in Raleigh. The original idea was that we — Jorge, Ruben, Marcel, Keny, Ramiro and I — would just go to help out on other startup ideas. But after a little cajoling, Keny pitched an idea for an app to […]
One month later, we’ve coded our first apps!
One month later, we’ve coded our first apps!
We reached a first milestone — successfully coding our own fully functioning, attractive, web deployed apps. When we started a month ago, nobody from our first Code the Dream class had ever coded even the simplest app. In fact, most of us had never even written our first line of code. But after a lot […]
First one-month coding class off to a great start
First one-month coding class off to a great start
Last week we started our first one-month intro to coding course. The goal is for students to gain exposure to a wide range of basic concepts, all while coding their first app over the course of a month. So far it’s been even better than we expected. We have a group of 12 enthusiastic students, […]
Lift off
Lift off
Here’s the problem. Tech startups now embody the American Dream. Young people dream of getting a job with Google or starting the next Twitter. The creativity and entrepreneurial spirit behind these new technologies represent the best of our country. But large and growing parts of America are being left out. In Silicon Valley and across […]