As a nonprofit tech organization, Code the Dream relies on software development volunteers to make our program a success. We are grateful for every single volunteer that works to support our students and apprentices in the many ways they show up: mentoring, leading workshops, reviewing assignments, pair programming, project coaching and more! But some go […]
App for Farmworkers Adds New Partner Thanks to Grant Funding
App for Farmworkers Adds New Partner Thanks to Grant Funding
We are excited to welcome the Pennsylvania Farmworker Project of Philadelphia Legal Assistance to the Vamos app network of partners thanks to grant funding from the American Bar Endowment. Vamos is a mobile app that assists outreach workers in planning, finding, conducting, tracking and reporting on outreach visits to migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Outreach staff […]
All-Women Developer Team Celebrates Success During Women’s History Month
All-Women Developer Team Celebrates Success During Women’s History Month
March is Women’s History Month, but Code the Dream is celebrating an awesome team of present-day, all-women developers. CTD developers Andrea Hernandez-Guzman, Mariandrea Maldonado, and Rachel Frenkel, along with Katie Brey of the Hill Learning Center, have been hard at work bringing the interactive HillRAP to a growing group of students. Recently, three of the […]

Magnus-Aryitey speaks about “breaking the bias” at RTP event commemorating International Women’s Day
Magnus-Aryitey speaks about “breaking the bias” at RTP event commemorating International Women’s Day
Code the Dream co-Executive Director Daisy Magnus-Aryitey took part in a panel discussion commemorating International Women’s Day at Boxyard RTP on March 9. Aryitey and the other panelists shared their experiences as women in the workplace, their efforts to bring positive change, and their vision of a more equitable future. Magnus-Aryitey said she is proud […]
From the newsletter: DECODED Winter 2022
From the newsletter: DECODED Winter 2022
“In Their Own Words”CTD Alumni thank our volunteers CTD volunteers, you were instrumental in my journey, not only in the technical aspects, but in learning how to learn, how to search, and also the soft skills, like how to prepare for an interview. Mentors were always there when I reached out, and you all offered […]
From the newsletter: DECODED Winter 2022
From the newsletter: DECODED Winter 2022
I’m Nick Santiago. I’m a proud veteran — I served for ten years in the US Marines. But after I left the Marines, I wasn’t sure what to do. I knew I was interested in tech, and I tried to teach myself — I bought books, I watched YouTube videos, I learned enough to build a game — nothing fancy, but I was proud of it. I went back to school to start learning Computer Science, and that’s where I heard about Code the Dream.

Magnus-Aryitey: To solve complex problems “we need people from diverse backgrounds deeply involved at every step of the way to help build new technology that makes a difference”
Magnus-Aryitey: To solve complex problems “we need people from diverse backgrounds deeply involved at every step of the way to help build new technology that makes a difference”
Code the Dream’s Daisy Magnus-Aryitey discussed her path to a coding career, her new position as Co-Executive Director, and CTD’s recent growth and exciting future in this Q&A with WRAL’s TechWire. When asked about the importance of diversity in tech, Magnus-Aryitey responded: “We know that if we want to solve complex, real-world problems we need […]
Code the Dream announces Magnus-Aryitey as new Co-Executive Director
Code the Dream announces Magnus-Aryitey as new Co-Executive Director
Code the Dream (CTD) is proud to announce Daisy Magnus-Aryitey as the organization’s new Co-Executive Director. Most recently Code the Dream’s Director of Partnerships, Magnus-Aryitey will join Executive Director Dan Rearick in leading day-to-day operations and mapping the path for the fast-growing non-profit. Magnus-Aryitey is uniquely suited for the position, having been a student in […]
New Tech Consulting Cooperative Founded by CTD Graduates
New Tech Consulting Cooperative Founded by CTD Graduates
The six member-owners of Radiate Consulting™ North Carolina decided that their tech expertise combined with a collective-ownership model was their best route to business ownership and a rewarding career trajectory. After working for months, supported by Code the Dream and the Democracy at Work Institute (DAWI), they launched the new business at an event on […]
CTD Graduate: Selamawit Shibru
CTD Graduate: Selamawit Shibru
Selamawit Shibru joined Code the Dream as an intern in October, 2020. In September, she left after getting a job as a Front End Developer at Tata Consulting Group. What led to your career in software development?I started developing back home in Ethiopia, where my background is in civil engineering. I got the chance to […]
CTD Labs expands access to reading instruction app for children with learning differences
CTD Labs expands access to reading instruction app for children with learning differences
Code the Dream salutes programmers Andrea Hernandez Guzman and Mariandrea Maldonado, whose work with CTD Labs is helping to bring a reading instruction application for children with learning challenges to teachers and students across the country. Hernandez Guzman and Maldonado have been working on the interactive Hill Reading Achievement Program (HillRAP) for CTD Labs’ client […]
CTD Graduates Form NC-Based Collective to Offer Tech Expertise and a Pathway to Business Ownership
CTD Graduates Form NC-Based Collective to Offer Tech Expertise and a Pathway to Business Ownership
The member-owners of Radiate Consulting™ North Carolina, a new tech cooperative founded by six entrepreneurs with a wide range of expertise, will introduce themselves and their business at an online event on Thursday, September 2. Radiate Consulting™ is a worker-owned and run small business specializing in building high-quality websites and custom web applications that help […]
Alumni Spotlight: Quay Weston
Alumni Spotlight: Quay Weston
Quay Weston is a CTD alumni from the 2019 React cohort. He credits his time in the program with “giving me the tools and the language to talk to developers which helped me move into UI/UX design and connected me with other dope people in the tech space.” Community has been the most important part […]
CTD Co-Founder Magnus-Aryitey Returns as Director of Partnerships
CTD Co-Founder Magnus-Aryitey Returns as Director of Partnerships
Code the Dream (CTD) is happy to announce that Daisy Magnus-Aryitey, co-founder and former board member, has returned to Code the Dream as the first Director of Partnerships. A native of Ghana, Magnus-Aryitey moved to the US when she was four and came to North Carolina in 2009. She enrolled in an early version of […]
Useful Resources For Better Team Building During Pride Month
Useful Resources For Better Team Building During Pride Month
In celebration of Pride Month, we are committing to learn even more about how we can create an inclusive, equitable workplace for everyone. Here are a few resources that we’ve found valuable. LGBTQ+ STEM ICONS This course from Code Academy offers an opportunity to learn more about important figures in the LGBTQ+ tech community. These […]
On finding Code the Dream: “I came to the United States two years ago from Colombia, where I studied IndustrialEngineering for six years in college. When I first moved to the US, I had tried to study coding by myself, but I felt I needed more structure and guidance. So when I heard about Code […]
Live Q&A Session for August Classes
Live Q&A Session for August Classes
Registration for our new round of classes is live! Deadline to apply is June 13, so don’t wait to apply. Apply here.
Student Spotlight: Kassidy Holtzman
Student Spotlight: Kassidy Holtzman
Name: Kassidy Holtzman Where are you from? Norlina, North Carolina What class are you in? Koi (Ruby on Rails) How did you find out about Code the Dream? What made you want to join? My last year of college at Vance-Granville Community College my teacher Ms. Gill recommended that I sign up for the class. […]
“As Apple and Google hire in the Triangle, they should embrace diversity” – News and Observer
“As Apple and Google hire in the Triangle, they should embrace diversity” – News and Observer
On April 30th, Code the Dream co-founders Dan Rearick and Daisy Magnus-Aryitey shared their thoughts in an op-ed with the News & Observer about what impact Apple and Google will have on the region after both companies announced their plans to expand into the Triangle. Here’s an excerpt: This week, Apple announced plans for a […]
IBM Invests in our Historically Black Colleges
IBM Invests in our Historically Black Colleges
On Friday, IBM announced it is expanding its Global University Program to 40 historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) through a $100 million investment in faculty, guest lecturers, cloud storage, and other components necessary for educating those interested in working in tech. IBM — one of Research Triangle Park’s long-standing tenants — has an established […]
Thank You, Petra!
Thank You, Petra!
For the past year, we’ve had the pleasure of working with Petra Holešínská, UNC graduate student and varsity basketball player hailing from the Czech Republic. Petra has been instrumental in helping us use our social media platforms to spotlight the amazing students and apprentices here at Code the Dream, as well as other important historical […]
Demo Day 2021
Demo Day 2021
On April 22, Code the Dream hosted “Demo Day,” an event showcasing our students, their stories, and the projects they’ve been working on. This is an opportunity for everyone to get an inside look at what makes the Code the Dream process special and how our work impacts the community. Below are a series of […]
Apprentice Spotlight: Sintu Mekonnen
Apprentice Spotlight: Sintu Mekonnen
Sintu moved to the United States with her family five years ago and didn’t have any real IT experience at that time. After volunteering in Atlanta, Georgia, she joined Code the Dream as a student before eventually becoming a front-end developer. Being new to coding, Sintu really appreciates how helpful has everyone been throughout this […]
Apprentice Spotlight: Selamawit Shibru
Apprentice Spotlight: Selamawit Shibru
Selamawit is originally from Ethiopia and she moved to the U.S. in 2018 after winning the diversity visa lottery. She has a background in civil engineering, but she also got the chance to learn coding during her bachelor’s study. After working as a cashier for over a year and receiving her Master’s degree in software […]