Instructions > Part 1 > Part 2 > Submission
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The Intro to Programming course in our program is for beginners. Since our classes are entirely online, we require applicants to complete this pre-work assignment so the applicant can see if the format of our classes is right for them. Please refer to the graphic below to determine what pathway would be best for you to complete our prework assignment:
Here’s a brief explanation of each pathway:
A – Join the Coding Basics Program. This 5-week series gives you extra support in understanding concepts covered in the Khan Academy tutorials (Part 1). You will attend one virtual mentor session per week, for five weeks, while completing the Khan Academy tutorials. Afterwards, you will demonstrate what you learned by completing your Pre-work project found in Part 2 of your instructions. Finally, you will submit your pre-work project in our submission form.
B – Do the Khan Academy tutorials on your own. If you don’t believe you’ll need extra support in completing the Khan Academy tutorials (Part 1), feel free to work through them on your own time. As a reminder, you aren’t required to watch all the Khan Academy videos. Once you can understand the prework requirements, you can move onto your Pre-work project. Your project can be found in Part 2 of your instructions. Finally, you will submit your pre-work project in our submission form.
C – Complete your Pre-work project in P5.js. You can skip Part 1 if you already have familiarity with Javascript. You will move onto Part 2 of your instructions to demonstrate your skills through the Pre-work project. Then, you will submit your pre-work project in our submission form.
Now that you know which pathway you’ll want to take to complete the prework assignment, you can watch this short video to learn more about the assignment:
Here’s a brief summary from the video that details the parts you’ll complete for the prework assignment:
- Part 1 – Tutorial (approximately 8+ hours, if you have Javascript experience, you can skip this section)
- Part 2 – Demonstrate (approximately 4-8 hours)
- Submit the link to your pre-work coding assignment
All three parts take most applicants at least 12 hours to complete, so plan your time! You have from now until the pre-work deadline for the trimester you’re applying for to complete and submit the assignment.
Please visit the Application Process page to see upcoming pre-work deadlines.