Code the Dream’s newest interns completed our 2019-2020 Ruby on Rails class. We’re excited to welcome them to the CTD community! Read more about them below!
Cindy Mendes

I was born and raised in France. In 2015, I moved to the states as an Au Pair. I started working with programming languages including Java, Python, HTML/CSS, and PHP while I was studying software development at Durham Technical College. I am fluent in French and Portuguese and I have been living in the Triangle since 2017. I love reading manga, fiction and crime novels. I also enjoy rock climbing, playing volleyball, biking, and spending time with my dog.
Jasper Lin

I was born and raised as a farmer in Taiwan, and have always been a patient and passionate learner. I enjoy picking up new knowledge and applying my new skills to help others in my community. I have been a school teacher, a barista, an animator, and am currently pivoting my career path to be a software developer. As a self-taught coder, I know how hard it could be to work without a team and not having a guideline. I have a tiny veggie farm and a small flock of chickens, and I love playing video games when I’m not wearing the framer/programmer hat. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay area for the almost 10 years that I’ve been in the US. I’m ready to join the amazing CTD family in action and hopefully in person (relocated to NC!) after the pandemic.
Asiya Bykova

I moved to the US from Belarus in 2014 with my family due to my husband’s work and originally settled in California. In 2017, we moved to North Carolina and I’m so happy with that decision! All my life I’ve been working as an accountant and had zero coding experience before the Code the Dream course, but now I’m excited to start a new career path! When I’m not working/studying I like to spend time with my two daughters, I also like traveling, reading books (mostly Russian), playing the piano, and learning new languages.