Our first Code the Dream class has had some great discussions recently about their goals and what’s next for each of them. Out of the 12 who started in September, 10 successfully built their first app. They’ve provided online feedback on their experience:
- 100% rated Code the Dream as “a great experience.” In fact, half said it was “one of the best educational experiences I’ve ever had.”
- 80% thought it could be a first step that could help them find a job in tech
- All 100% wanted to continue with Code the Dream
But it’s not without challenges. Most participants are either working or taking community college classes, which means their advancement with Code the Dream comes at the expense of sleep or time with family. Nevertheless, our team of new coders expressed their determination to learn more, many in the hopes of finding a career in tech or to starting their own business.
As Code the Dream plans more beginner classes, our goal is to continue to support a growing cohort of coders who can continue learning through a combination of additional coursework, mentor relationships and real world projects. We recognize that bridge building, project management and entrepreneurial thinking are at least as important as learning the syntax of a new coding language. And we’re all excited to keep building this effort.